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Debuginfo CLI

The parca-debuginfo CLI is an auxiliary tool that helps you to upload debug information for your binaries. It is useful when you do not want to deploy binaries with debug information to your production environments, yet you want to utilize Parca Agent. By using the parca-debuginfo tool, you can extract and upload the debug information from your binaries to your Parca server and then strip the debug information from the binaries before you deploy them.

Read the docs on symbolization to understand the process.

You can download the latest parca-debuginfo binary release for your architecture from our releases page.

curl -sLO`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz
curl -sL | shasum --ignore-missing -a 256 --check
tar -xzf parca-debuginfo_0.12.0_`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz parca-debuginfo

If you want to move the CLI to a path in your $PATH you can move the binary:

mv parca-debuginfo /usr/local/bin/parca-debuginfo

The parca-debuginfo tool has to commands:

Usage: parca-debuginfo <command>

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log-level="info" Log level.

upload --store-address=STRING <path> ...
Upload debug information files.

extract <path> ...
Extract debug information.

buildid <path>
Extract buildid.

Run "parca-debuginfo <command> --help" for more information on a command.

Upload command to directly extract and upload the debug information to a Parca server:

Usage: main upload --store-address=STRING <path> ...

Upload debug information files.

<path> ... Paths to upload.

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log-level="info" Log level.

--store-address=STRING gRPC address to sends symbols to.
--bearer-token=STRING Bearer token to authenticate with store.
--bearer-token-file=STRING File to read bearer token from to authenticate with store.
--insecure Send gRPC requests via plaintext instead of TLS.
--insecure-skip-verify Skip TLS certificate verification.
parca-debuginfo upload --store-address=localhost:7070 --insecure /path/to/your/binary
level=info ts=2021-10-07T12:28:30.710169775Z caller=debuginfo.go:109 msg="debug information uploaded successfully" buildid=324367736569664b3941566c467a727543434d622f576479554f6838735973614362395a71307441742f61754d4a7357616c32695a734e576b77337256472f3836554d764a506b7846656d333936726d417653 file=/path/to/your/binary
level=info ts=2021-10-07T12:28:30.710224803Z caller=main.go:154 msg=done!

And another command Extract to extract the debug information for local investigations.

Usage: main extract <path> ...

Extract debug information.

<path> ... Paths to extract debug information.

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log-level="info" Log level.

--output-dir="out" Output directory path to use for extracted debug information files.
parca-debuginfo extract --insecure /path/to/your/binary
level=info ts=2021-10-07T12:30:27.549546915Z caller=main.go:138 msg="debug information extracted" file=out/324367736569664b3941566c467a727543434d622f576479554f6838735973614362395a71307441742f61754d4a7357616c32695a734e576b77337256472f3836554d764a506b7846656d333936726d417653
level=info ts=2021-10-07T12:30:27.549605633Z caller=main.go:154 msg=done!

By default, you can find extracted information in out directory where you executed the tool:

ls out

If all you want to do is extract the buildid of a binary, you can use the buildid command:

Usage: main buildid <path>

Extract buildid.

<path> Paths to extract buildid.

-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log-level="info" Log level.

For example for your own binary use:

parca-debuginfo buildid /path/to/your/binary
Build ID: 324367736569664b3941566c467a727543434d622f576479554f6838735973614362395a71307441742f61754d4a7357616c32695a734e576b77337256472f3836554d764a506b7846656d333936726d417653
level=info msg=done!