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Quick Start

The easiest way to start with Parca is to obtain the pre-built statically-linked binary or the container. You can download the latest release of the binary from the Parca GitHub release pages (Server and Agent). Alternatively, you can use the Parca container image from the GitHub Container Registry.

Once you have the binary or the container, you can start profiling your applications with Parca.

Please select your environment and use the following commands to quickly get started


  1. Download the binary specific to your OS and architecture

    curl -sL`uname -s`_`uname -m`.tar.gz | tar xvfz -
  2. Run Parca and access the Web UI on port 7070

    # Get basic configuration
    curl -sL > parca.yaml
    # Run Parca and access the Web UI on port 7070
    ./parca --config-path=parca.yaml


  1. Download the binary specific to your architecture (only works on Linux)

    curl -sL`uname -s`_`uname -m` chmod +x ./parca-agent*
  2. Run Parca Agent and access the Web UI on port 7071 (assumes Parca is running on localhost:7070)

    sudo ./parca-agent* --node=test --remote-store-address=localhost:7070 --remote-store-insecure